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Visit Winged Wellness for Great Womens Health Supplements

Winged Wellness offer a Great Range of Women's Health Supplements


Learn more about Winged Wellness from its owner Jess.

  Hi everybody, I’m Jess!

The idea to start Winged came in 2017 after plant medicine saved me from a dark place. I was battling crippling anxiety after a series of major life changes and I was pretty desperate.

A friend recommended a combination of CBD and adaptogens and I began to feel the tightness in my chest lessen. I felt like myself again – I was able to sleep through the night, was comfortable in my own skin, and there was a lightness back about me that I had lost.

Despite feeling better, I wanted answers. I dove into the research and learned that statistically women suffer from anxiety, depression, and insomnia at about twice the rate of men. I started talking to many women in my life – these incredible women who seemed to have it all together – and I noticed a common thread. They all experienced the same feelings I did – feeling overwhelmed and battling bouts of anxiety almost every single day. I thought what if I could do something to help that?

That’s when the idea of Winged began to form. I wanted to share the relief I felt with other women and set out to build a product line specifically formulated for women.

Our singular mission to help women feel good. We think that with products formulated specifically for a woman’s body, plus a supportive community of Winged women, we might just be able to do that.

What Winged is About

Winged formulates products specifically with women in mind. As women, we truly handle so much and society has a long way to go in offering us the support we need to juggle all we do. That is one big reason that women are twice as likely as men to experience anxiety, depression and insomnia. Another huge reason is simply our physical make up. Hormones. Starting in our 20s our hormones play an important role in our emotional wellbeing. Lastly, the level of stress due to our current situation of a global pandemic is something we have never seen before.

In developing Winged, we talk to all the women in our orbit and asked this simple question: what would you want help with so you could feel like the best version of you? In talking to hundreds of women we heard the same things over and over again: “I want to sleep better at night,” “I want to wake in a better mood,” “I want to not feel so anxious,” and of course, through 2020 we heard, “I need schools to reopen!” With a game plan on what we knew we needed to focus on, we went to work.

Winged specializes in supplements to help women with specific needs like Sleep, Mood, Skin, Energy + Stress. We combine specific herbs, cannabinoids and adaptogens that help achieve the desired outcome and also help with hormonal balancing. Winged has 5 supplements that incorporate CBD in the formulas and 5 that don’t use CBD but instead utilize adaptogenic mushrooms and botanicals. Winged’s formulas are thoughtfully crafted by a holistic nutritionist and credentialed master herbalist and all ingredients are clean and natural and free of GMOs, gluten, and synthetics.